
Near Tolley, North Dakota, about 1907

My grandparents, Karl (Charles) Ludvig Carlson and Anna Long, homesteaded in a "claim shack" close to Tolley, North Dakota, soon after they were married in 1905.

Homestead near Tolley North Dakota, 1907

My mother, Margaret Carlson, wrote the following on the back of this photo:

" This is the "claim shack" out in North Dakota -- a place called Tolley near Kenmare. Must have been about 1906-07 because the baby must be Barney. He was born there while they were out there although mama went to Princeton [Minnesota] to have him".

Charles Bernard (Barney) Carlson was born in January, 1907, so this has to be the spring or summer of 1907.
The tiny shack at far left is the one in the photo below.

Homestead near Tolley North Dakota, 1907

My mother wrote the following on the back of this photo:

" This is Blanche's (Byers) small cabin which was just a short distance from Mama & Daddy's. She taught school out there. This was before she was married. She must have married soon after because Robert, the eldest of the Stark children, was my age." My mother, Margaret Carlson, was born in July, 1908.

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