
University of Manitoba :
Names from the 1918-1919 Yearbook

Members of the University of Manitoba
who have been killed in action
or who have died on active service.

  1. Lieut. H. A. Archer (LL.B.)
  2. Lieut. A. S. Baird (B.A.)
  3. Sergt. P. G. Barnes ('17 Agriculture)
  4. Pte. R. W. Bellhouse ('14 Engineering)
  5. Pte. K. C. Blair ('17 Engineering)
  6. Cpl. W. G. Bolton ('17 Agriculture)
  7. Cadet H. Bousfield ('20 Agriculture)
  8. Lieut. F. W. Bradford ('17 Agriculture)
  9. Pte. F. W. Bridgman ('16 Arts)
  10. Pte. T. L. Briggs ('16 Arts)
  11. Lieut. D. J. Broadfoot, M.M. ('16 Arts)
  12. Gnr. G. S. Brown ('05 Pharmacy)
  13. Major R. R. J. Brown (B.A.)
  14. Pte. Chas. Bryan ('19 Arts)
  15. L.-Cpl. T. J. L. Butchart ('19 Arts)
  16. Lieut. J. S. Cameron (B.A.)
  17. Pte. H. R. Campbell (B.A.)
  18. Capt. W. H. Clipperton ('16 Arts)
  19. Gnr. E. J. Code ('19 Arts)
  20. Pte. Geo. Cooper (Sr. Matriculation)
  21. Cpl. J. T. Crawford ('13 Pharmacy)
  22. Lieut. G. G. Creighton (B.A.)
  23. Sergt. W. T. Crummy (B.A.)
  24. Pte. P. W. Davis ('20 Arts)
  25. Pte. W. F. Dickson ('13 Pharmacy)
  26. Pte. Francis Daw ('18 Agriculture)
  27. Pte. C. B. Duxbury, M.M. (B.E.E.)
  28. Capt. St. Clair Dunn (M.D.)
  29. Lieut. J. Einarsson (B.A.)
  30. Capt. A. E. A. Evans (B.A.)
  31. Pte. H. S. Ferguson (B.A.)
  32. Lieut. J. T. Fisher ('18 Arts)
  33. Cadet A. W. Fraser ('19 Arts)
  34. Pte. J. H. German ('06 Pharmacy)
  35. Lieut. H. C. Graham ('19 Arts)
  36. Pte. P. J. Grisdale ('18 Arts)
  37. Capt. W. F. Guild, Italian medal for valor (M.A., LL.B.)
  38. Capt. H. B. Hamber (B.A.)
  39. Capt. J. B. Haverson (M.D.)
  40. Pte. E. H. Hawthorne (B.S.A.)
  41. Lieut. F. M. Hetherington (LL.B.)
  42. Pte. G. W. Hepworth ('19 Medicine)
  43. Lieut. Ronald Hoskins (LL.B.)
  44. Pte. R. O. Hughes ('16 Agriculture)
  45. Lieut. W. W. Irvine (B.A.)
  46. Lieut. C. I. Jameson ('17 Law)
  47. Capt. G. W. Jameson (B.A.)
  48. Capt. W. F. Jamieson, D.S.O. (B.A.)
  49. Pte. W. E. Jenkins (B.A.)
  50. Lieut. H. Jonsson, M.C. (B.A.)
  51. Lieut. M. S. Kelly (B.A.)
  52. Lieut. J. D. Kerr ('17 Arts)
  53. Pte. M. G. Kruspe ('16 Pharmacy)
  54. Pte. R. S. Lane, M.M. (Sr. Matriculation)
  55. Pte. J. C. Latchford (Sr. Matriculation)
  56. Pte. Rowland Lewis ('18 Agriculture)
  57. Lieut. Arthur Loft (B.A.)
  58. Pte. Einar S. Long ('18 Arts)
  59. Spr. R. I. Lothian (B.E.E.)
  60. Pte. C. W. Lovatt ('19 Arts)
  61. Pte. C. W. Lyttle ('10 Pharmacy)
  62. Pte. G. Magnusson ('17 Agriculture)
  63. Pte. F. A. Markle ('19 Medicine)
  64. Pte. Carl Mather ('16 Arts)
  65. Pte. S. S. Mclntyre (B.A.)
  66. Lieut. W. C. McKee ('13 Arts)
  67. Tpr. O. F. McKnight (Sr. Matriculation)
  68. Pte. C. J. McMillan ('17 Arts)
  69. Capt. E. E. Meek (M.D.)
  70. Lieut. A. F. Menzies, D.S.O. ('15 Arts)
  71. 2nd Lieut. A. F. Miller ('17 Pharmacy)
  72. Capt. J. C. Mitchell ('17 Engineering)
  73. Fit. Lieut. C. J. Moir (B.A.)
  74. Lieut. D. Mundell (B.A.)
  75. Tpr. H. B. Nason ('17 Arts)
  76. Gnr. J. E. Nelson ('16 Arts)
  77. Lieut. H. A. Newman (B.A.)
  78. Lieut. C. B. Nicholl ('10 Pharmacy)
  79. Capt. Glen Norton (B.A.)
  80. Cpl. A. S. Olive ('18 Agriculture)
  81. Cpl. F. C. Oliver ('16 Arts)
  82. Flt. Sub. Lieut. R. H. O'Reilly (B.E.E.)
  83. Pte. D. F. Pack ('19 Medicine)
  84. Pte. R. E. Parrott (B.A.)
  85. Pte. C. G. Partridge (B.S.A.)
  86. Lieut. L. L. Paterson (B.A.)
  87. Pte. H. L. Patience ('16 Arts)
  88. Pte. H. D. Pigott, M.M. ('18 Arts)
  89. Pte. H. H. Pilling (B.A.)
  90. Pte. E. C. Ramsay (B.S.A.)
  91. Lieut. W. E. Reedman (B.A.)
  92. Lieut. R. S. Rice ('17 Arts)
  93. Pte. Blaine Richardson (B.A.)
  94. L.-Cpl. C. D. Richardson (B.S.A.)
  95. Pte. Arthur Rose (B.A.)
  96. Capt. G. H. Ross (B.A., LL.B.)
  97. Lieut. J. A. Ross (Sr. Matriculation)
  98. Pte. P. H. Sanderson ('15 Pharmacy)
  99. 2nd Lieut. C. M. Sayer (B.A.)
  100. Flt. Lieut. C. S. Sheldon ('19 Arts)
  101. Lieut. F. N. Shiriff ('16 Agriculture)
  102. Capt. F. I. Simpson, M.C. (B.A.)
  103. Pte. M. E. Skinner (B.A.)
  104. Lieut. Douglas Smith ('18 Agriculture)
  105. Capt. J. C. Smith (B.S.A.)
  106. Tpr. G. K. Stewart ('17 Arts) .
  107. Pte. W. J. Stone (B.S.A.)
  108. Pte. R. W. Summerscales ('18 Engineering)
  109. Sergt. J. S. S. Swain, M.M. and Bar ('19 Arts)
  110. Lieut. N. J. Thomas, D.C.M. ('17 Arts)
  111. Lieut. H. N. Thompson (B.S.A.)
  112. Pte. J. A. S. Thompson (B.A.)
  113. Lieut.-Col. R. M. Thomson (M.A., LL.B.)
  114. Cadet G. H. Toye ('22 Medicine)
  115. Fit. Lieut. C. P. Uhrich (LL.B.)
  116. Capt. J. D. Verner, M.C. and Bar ('17 Science)
  117. Sergt. E. W. Walsh ('16 Arts)
  118. Lieut. W. B. Wilton ('99 Pharmacy)
  119. Lieut. T. A. Worsey ('17 Arts)

Military Honors
Won by Members of the University of Manitoba

Victoria Cross


Officer of the Order of the British Empire


Bar to D.S.O.

Military Cross

Bar to M.C.

Second Bar to M.C.

Distinguished Flying Cross


Military Medal

Bar to Military Medal

French Croix de Guerre

Belgian Croix de Guerre

Italian Military Medal for Valor

Serbian Order of San Saba
Montenegrin Croix Rouge
Montenegrin Order of Denilo

Mentioned in Despatches

Class of '19 on Active Service

ARTS ('19)








"Quality, not Quantity.

The great City of London early one morning awoke to the fact that one small soul was added to its multitude -- Esther Abrahamson was born, and being born she decided to make the best of it.

At an early age her roving disposition found attraction in the vast fields of Canada, and hither she arrived in the year 1900.

She graduated from St. John's Tech. and entered the University, where she was one of the youngest Freshettes.

After two years this dark-eyed damsel felt the need of young Canada, and spent one year away from the University in pedagogical pursuits. On her return she specialized in History and Political Economy- In the latter she evinced her daring disposition, being the only lady to take a major in that subject. Esther has been known to accomplish wonders, on the night before exams.

Judging from her oratorical abilities, we feel confident that success awaits her when she enters the law profession.



"A creature not too bright or good
For human nature's daily food."

Isabel came all the way from Grenfell, Sask., to attend our University and cast in her lot with the '19 Class. In every phase of college life Isabel has taken a most active part.

She early showed a remarkable talent for "argument" and upheld the honors of the '19 Class in debate in her Second and Third Years, during which time the Norman McDonald debating cup sojourned with the class.

English was her specialty and in Third Year she chose majors in English and History, carrying off the second scholarship in English.

Under her leadership the Literary Society has been a great success this year. Isabel's cheerful and optimistic disposition has inspired others to greater achievements and has contributed greatly to college spirit.

Those who have been privileged to enjoy her friendship have found there sterling qualities of sincerity and unselfishness. "With all a friend's best virtues shining bright."



"Day and night my fancy's flight
Is ever with my Jean."

Jean was born in Duluth, Minnesota, U.S.A., in 1898, of Canadian parents.

She reached her sedate years of seniority in the "U.," where she has always been into everything. We will mention, for the sake of parents and professors, that she was a splendid student -- specialized in French and English, and always passed her examinations.

Her two favorite Muses are Terpischore and Irving Berlin. In tribute to the first she has danced many miles and the second inspires her to the exhilerating ragtime.

She has a gracious charm that puts even the timid Freshette at ease; she is generous, straightforward and kind; and, best of all, she has a very highly developed sense of humor -- it even breaks out during lectures!

"Tho' cruel fate should bid us part
I still would love my Jean."



Bill, as he is popularly known to everyone, was born in Portage la Prairie in September, 1899. Having absorbed as much knowledge as the Portage schools could offer, he came to Winnipeg in 1911 and entered Kelvin Collegiate, and in the fall of 1915 joined the famous chicka-mucka bunch at 'Toba.

"Bill's" character may be summed up in the one word -- snappy. From the inception of his college career he has always taken the liveliest interest in all phases of student activity. As treasurer of the U.M.S.A. and class president in his Junior Year, his efforts showed marked ability and sincerity of the highest order.

But the lure of Mars was too much for him, so in May, 1918, we see him as a full-fledged gunner in the 76th battery. December, of the same year, the war clouds having drifted away, saw his return and re-entry into all college activities.

"Bill" has a smile and personality that money cannot buy. His cheerfulness, sociability, unselfishness, sincerity and his love for work have won for him a host of friends.



"A pattern -- to all that shall succeed."

Bessie -- a capable president of our Ek-o-le-la Society, a leader of proved ability. With a firm hand she controlled the vagaries of discussion and smoothed our difficulties with discretion and foresight, displaying a knowledge of procedure which should grace high executive positions in the future.

Whether our Lady Stick acquired ease of manner from presiding over the "eats" as vice-president, upholding our class in debate or from activities in gym and rink, is not for humbler clay to say; but as Lady Stick she surely went "over the top." In scholarship, too, she vied with the best, winning honors in both second and third years.

Displaying but half the energy and enthusiasm shown in every phase of college life, Bessie will be worth her weight in gold in whatever sphere she may choose. Her bright and winning personality will form a link in the future between us and our college life and firmly weld many a deep and lasting friendship.



"That's me all over, Mable" -- Dere Mable.

Harold is an only child, but a super-child; also a life-long Winnipegger. Entering the University a very boyish if not exactly sylph-like figure in knickerbockers, he developed very rapidly into a regular rah-rah boy.

Harold has always given weight to the claim of the '19 Class that it can meet all comers.

In athletics he has figured largely being an all-round player; as to dramatics, Harold made a striking and most convincing figure as "Arlequin" in the French play of 1918. The same may be said of this year's "Sir Thomas Bodsworth."

Always prominent in social affairs, whether it be jazzing or giving impetus to a toboggan, "Tank" has become a regular lady-killer -- a male Theda Bara.

As to his scholastic abilities, first scholarships in Chemistry and Political Economy speak for themselves; I need not go into details, as these are already so widely known.

Best of success, "Tank" -- may your shadow never grow less!



"Straight, but as lissome as a hazel wand;
Her eyes a bashful azure, and her hair
In gloss and hue the chestnut, when the shell
Divides threefold to show the fruit within."

Hazel is a real Manitoban in birth and spirit. She matriculated at Emerson and then went to Brandon College for two and a half years, devoting her time to music, art, and elocution.

During her Arts course in our University, pedagogical pursuits claiming her attention, she did not register till Christmas in her Second and Third Years. Thus we missed her cheery personality for half of two college years.

Hazel specialized in English and History, revelling in the visionary ideals of Tennyson and Browning. Then the French Revolution added variety, and Canadian History taught something Canadians ought to know.

It can be truly said of her, "She slipt across the summer of the world."



None of us but realize that of the '19 Class no one in college halls will be missed more than Nora, and no one's place will be harder to fill. The reasons for such popularity are necessarily elusive, but after a glance at her undergraduate attainments some of them may be deduced.

The statement that Nora is a scholar of no mean ability is amply justified in her choice of the classics, and in scholarship lists.

True sportsmanship is one of the highest attributes of which any one may be possessed, for the phrase connotes many admirable qualities. All apply in their superlative degree to Nora. Her crowning success has been as a Senior in her able discharge of the duties as president of athletics. A result of her brilliant leadership is evident in the new place athletics hold.

Modesty, mental and physical keenness, constancy and sincerity combine to form Nora's personality. We are proud to claim her friendship and sincerely wish for her the success she merits.



Common sense, which is a humble name for the fine attribute of calmness and clearness of thought, is one of Eileen's long list of virtues. Chiefest of her faults is a love for square roots and celestial mechanics.

Eileen decided on graduation in 1918 that B.Sc. would look well beside the B.A. after her name, and she thus continued her choice of subjects scientific. Her former record of serene and competent student-leadership which terminated in her presidency of the U.S.M.A. during her final year, had demonstrated most fully that she was not merely a student of books. She has continued to give very much to the social and athletic aspect of our student life and has consistently supported the activities of the Scientific Society. Her sympathy is broad and her serenity is to be envied.

When Eileen goes from the University as its second lady Bachelor of Science, she leaves with all who knew her the happy memory of her good friendship and her influence.



Glowing sunsets, sea-breezes, cold baths -- anything colorful and invigorating -- suggest Rowena to her friends. Life to her is an adventure and she has the gift of sharing its thrill.

Like a young knight on a quest, she aims to get the most out of life. Hers is the sublime impatience with insincerity, hypocrisy, lack of originality. She has a passion for truth in everything, and her candor is noted. But she is also blessed with a sense of humor and is interested in anything human, alive, vivid -- music, modern literature, good times, but above all, the drama.

Rowena has many talents, but all are subordinate to her unquestioned dramatic talent. Even her worst enemy admits that she can act, as witness the last three University plays. Whether she follows up her dramatic triumphs, or something else, we feel sure that her energy and enthusiasm will carry her through to a successful finish.



With Eric is added another name to the list of true Westerners, for he was born in Winnipeg in 1900.

His qualifications for entrance to the University were obtained in record time at St. John's College and Kelvin, and in 1915 he became a member of the '19 Class.

Eric's devotion to duty, untiring energy and amiable disposition have made him a favorite with all. Student organizations in every field of activity claimed him; in his First and Second Years the Dramatic Society, in his Third Year the U.M.S.A. Council as Arts Representative, both the Year Book and The Manitoban as Circulation Manager, and in his final year he held the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Arts Student body.

In the scholastic field, Eric specialized in French and Economics. He has the unique experience of never having had a "sup."

Such are the achievements of the budding "Law Student" and we feel assured of his success in that profession.



Daryl was born in St. John, N.B., in the fall of 1899, coming to Winnipeg a few years later.

During his "Matric." days he already gave evidence of that scholastic and executive ability which has followed him through his later years by passing his Senior Year with honors and by being chosen president of the Kelvin Student Body.

He entered the Arts department of Wesley College in 1915. During his stay there he not only held many important positions on the class executive but was also one of the star debaters of the '19 Class, taking part in the intercollegiate debate of 1918.

His work at college has been of uniform excellence throughout, winning scholarships in French in his first and History in his third years.

Daryl decided to spend his final year at the University. In spite of his recent arrival, his cheery, straightforward disposition has won him a host of friends, being chosen Treasurer of the U.M.S.A. and Secretary of his class.



This young man has been the steadfast support and backbone of the Pharmacy Students' Association for two years. He accomplished what he set out to do. Application of this rule has led Harry to a point where he is considered a successful student and a successful business man.

He is popular to such an extent that his enemies are not known, and his friends everywhere. With these qualities his success has already been established. He will never be a millionaire because of his generosity; but that counts for little with a man of his type.

Simple words cannot express one's admiration or appreciation of his many virtues.

Harry was born in Odessa, educated in Winnipeg in St. John's Technical School.



Miss E. Corbett, of Crystal City, Man., received her early education in her native town, and after passing her qualifying examinations spent one year and a half in educational work. The lure of the pharmacy profession proving too strong for her, she began her pharmaceutical apprenticeship in 1915.

She was quite successful in her minor examinations in 1918, obtaining the scholarship. During her course Miss Corbett has acted as Secretary of the Pharmacy Students' Association, and has taken a lively interest in all matters affecting the welfare of this body.

By her kind, affable manner and true sportsmanship Miss Corbett has won the highest regard of her fellow students who unite in wishing her success and a bright, unclouded career.



Alex. was originally a member of the Class of '18, but owing to his eighteen months' service in the R.F.C. his graduation was deferred until this year. He has the distinction of being the first to receive the degree of Bachelor of Architecture in the province.

His was a difficult position as there was no precedent which he might follow, and as a consequence he was forced to establish one. The undergraduates will do well to emulate the standard he has set.

He is by no means a bookworm, but bubbles over with a jollity and mirth that shows a never-failing font of good-humor. His ability and perseverance; his sincerity of purpose and resolve; his sociability and unselfishness in extending aid to those about him, have won for him the admiration and respect of both his fellow students and the faculty.

"Sandy's" creative instinct based on sound common sense led to his choosing the noblest of professions, and constitute the factors which shall lead him to the highest of goals, Success.



"Cliff" was born in Winnipeg, and it is there that he received his early education. In 1915 he left Kelvin to enter the University of Manitoba as a member of the '19 Class. From the very beginning of his college life "Cliff" has won and sustained a reputation for brilliant leadership and executive ability. But the keynote of his character may be summed up in the one word, "service." In proof of this I have only to give the following brief outline of the outstanding positions "Cliff" has held during his undergraduate course:

Throughout all his college career "Cliff" has displayed an unfailing sincerity, tact, and good-fellowship.



Fred was born in Montreal but at an early age betook himself to Winnipeg, where after a brilliant career at Kelvin he joined the ranks of the Nineteens. He has pursued his course here with the faithful diligence and ability which characterize all his undertakings. He captured the Mathematics scholarship in his Second Year and during the last half of his course has specialized in Political Economy and Mathematics. But Fred has not kept all his talents for his studies, for he has found time to do his share in social activities and in Y.M.C.A. work. After three years of active connection with the Dramatic Society he was elected stage manager, but was unable to accept the office owing to pressure of other work, while his work on the Nineteen Curling Club helped largely in winning the championship.

Fred will take up his residence in Toronto shortly and we feel assured that whatever profession he follows his success is certain.



The subject of our sketch can look back on his student days with pleasure and pride. Being a true son of Winnipeg, he has maintained the scholarship standard he has set up for himself. In Kelvin High School in 1914 the Canadian Club scholarship in history fell to him, while in the University he kept up his record and captured no less than four more in his options -- English and History. The Dramatic Society found in him a very efficient stage manager in 1918 while The Manitoban and the Year Book have benefited from him as Arts Editor. He took an active interest in the slippery game of curling in his senior years, and as a result was able to help secure the championship for the class.

Being of a reticent, modest and unassuming disposition, he carries his honors lightly. In the near future John hopes to pursue postgraduate work in English. We know that whatever profession he chooses he will carry his high standard with him.



Mr. Fondaminsky came to Canada in July, 1914, from Homel, Russia. He has spent three years in his native country, and the same length of time after his arrival in Manitoba in the practice of his profession, so has had a wide experience.

He apparently overcame the difficulties of language and custom in a strange country in short order. By attending night school and devoting every spare moment to the study of the English language, he was enabled to compete on even terms with his fellow students during the Minor Pharmacy course, which he completed in 1917, carrying off the general proficiency medal.

His amiable manner and kind disposition has won for Mr. Fondaminsky the sincere regard and good will of his classmates. We wish and predict for him a most successful career.



The thirst for knowledge, and in particular for Scientific knowledge, is so thoroughly a part of Nelson that he has cast his lot with the '19 Science Graduates this year.

Nelson has made his degree in Arts one of the rungs of the "ladder to success" and this year will complete two more of these rungs. Firstly, a Science Degree and secondly the publication by the University of a "Catalogue of Manitoban Birds." A. great part of the material of the book is the result of patient observations carried out by Nelson himself, and extending over a number of years.

Under his leadership the students' Scientific Society has taken a new and wide-awake lease on life. As Science Editor of The Manitoban we found he could be depended upon, even to the extent of writing an article between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. the first day after an attack of pneumonia.

He has a keen appreciation of the humorous as well as serious side of things, and the zoo. lab. is the scene of many jokes as well as of serious work, with him holding his own in both.



"The rarer the wine, the deeper the sparkle."

Fort William was the lucky town to hear Edna's first cry, but for the last ten years Winnipeg has been the scene of her many activities. Edna's demure and quiet demeanor belies the real girl. Endowed with unusual capabilities, a logical and original mind, and a never-failing sense of the ludicrous. Her Irish ancestry has given her that happy heritage of a loyal and loving disposition which endears her to her friends.

Although Edna has proved herself to be a brilliant student during her four years at the "U," she has found plenty of time for outside interests. She has won laurels at debating and on different executives and also she has been an enthusiastic member of our "jazz band," and "real devilish" in her first stage appearance in "Arlequin poli par l'Amour."

Cheerful, genuine, and with a fund of ready wit, "Ed." will be welcomed by all who seek a true friend.



It was in the fall of 1914 that the students of old 'Toba welcomed to their ranks an enthusiastic young Sophomore, hailing from that fair city of the West, Portage la Prairie. "Doug." soon won the hearts of all by the geniality of his disposition, while he charmed his many friends by his musical talent. The spring of 1916 found him the proud wearer of the King's uniform. He shared in the glory of his countrymen at Vimy Ridge and Hill 70. In December, 1918, he cast his lot in with the '19 class, specializing in Science. He hopes to enter the medical profession, where we feel confident that his fund of experiences in trench, or camp, or battlefield -- fighting the battle of liberty with comrades in arms -- will prove highly beneficial in fighting the ills that "so easily beset us." We wish him the renown of merit.



"Johnnie" is the girl with the sparkling hazel eyes and the vivacious smile. Attracted by the prospects of a B.A., she entered the "U." in 1915, where she has shown herself an intelligent and conscientious student and an enthusiastic participant in all college activities. During the war she has been a true patriot as many a pair of well-knit socks can testify.

An all-round athletic girl, Jean has distinguished herself more than once in the college tennis tournaments. She is "nuts" over skating and it requires a mighty big inducement to counteract the charms of the rink.

Fun-loving, yet dependable, with a sympathy and understanding beyond her years, Jean has proved herself a loyal and devoted friend and it is with regret that the University takes leave of one of her most popular students. We all know that Jean's sweet, unselfish nature, with its wealth of wit and charm of manner, will contribute not a little to the success awaiting her in the big world outside. "Age cannot wither her, nor custom steal her infinite variety."



"A bubble of enthusiasm that will never burst." -- Kellys Key (?)

"Are you going to the dance tonight? Tee-hee; so'm I," and the infectious yet inimitable giggle consequent to those characteristic remarks identify the speaker as Edith.

At the tender age of fifteen years she blew in upon us, radiating enthusiasm and optimism, which even four years of Greek and Latin have not dampened. From the outset she was destined to be a leader and favorite. The diversity of her capabilities has been well displayed in debating, dramatics, and executive work.

But her stellar role in student life has undoubtedly been that of Y.W. President. This office gave ample scope to her dauntless energy, ever present resourcefulness, consistent sincerity and underlying seriousness of purpose. Her success has been unqualified. For evidence of Edith's remarkable keenness of intellect, vide scholarship lists. That her friends are legion is the natural consequence of such a delightful personality.



"Moins de gloire, et plus de plaisir; a la bonne heure!"

Howard was born in Dauphin in September, 1899, came to Winnipeg in 1913, graduated from Kelvin and entered 'Varsity College in September, 1915. In First Year he had the customary good time, skipped his "twenty-five per cent," and passed with a wide margin of safety. As a Sophomore he continued his social activities and shocked his parents and scandalized his classmates by taking a $60 scholarship. In Third Year, Howard took French and Political Economy, broke into dramatics as "Trivelin" in "Arlequin poil par l'amour," took a Political Economy scholarship and was "among those present" at most social functions, college and otherwise.

At the beginning of his Fourth Year he joined the R.A.F. and went to Toronto. The signing of the armistice, however, enabled him to take his final year with his old class.

He intends to study Law. Rest assured he will make a success of it. Good luck, Howard!



"She's modest as ony, and blithe as she's bonnie."

Now, Janet being mortal and the heroine of this tale, we must needs trace her life past such prosaic things as measles, mumps, tomboyishness, sentimental adolescence, i.e., the flapper age, until she entered the "U." There she found everything quite "jake," so she decided to stay and get her degree.

However, one thing we must truthfully note about Janet -- in spite of a sweet and gentle disposition she always took a fiendish part in initiation, particularly when it came to the feeding of the infantile Freshettes.

How can we describe Janet's qualities? One man in speaking most admiringly of another says, "He's a prince!" Let us make it feminine and say, "She's a princess." And the best we can hope for her after she gets her furry white rabbit skin, is that she will follow the example of all other fairy tale princesses -- and live happily ever after!



Winnipeg is the birthplace of the heroine of this tale. Here she first set her busy little mind to work and wended her way through public school and St. John's Technical.

In 1915 Marjorie began her college career at the University. Since then she has taken an active part in all branches of college life.

Ever an enthusiast for girls' athletics, Marjorie was captain of the Champion basket-ball team in her Second Year. Besides, who has not heard of her skill in swinging the racquet in summer and the hockey stick in winter?

Marjorie's Second Year was distinguished by capturing a scholarship in German -- not by burning the candle at both ends either, but by her natural scholastic ability.

As a sincere friend one can always depend on "Marj." We know not "what the future hath of marvel or surprise" for our favorite, but we all join in this wish:

"Your heart's desires be with you!"



It was at Exeter, Ont., on the 12th of August, 1896, that "Loady" made his debut on this globe of ours. At an early age he answered the call of the West. After taking his matriculation at Central High School, he entered the University with the '18 Class. In the spring of 1916 he joined "Our Own Battalion, the 196th." Having spent some months in khaki, he received his discharge in time to take up his studies with the '19 Class.

Frank specialized in History and English, in the former of which he won the first scholarship in his Third Year. Not only in his studies but also in student activities, "Loady" took an active part. For two years he has acted in the capacity of secretary of the Dramatic Society.

"Loady" leaves us to take up Law and we all join in wishing him success in his chosen profession.



"Her voice was blithe, her heart was light."

Luella is a real Westerner, and has obtained her entire education in Winnipeg. After passing through the primary and secondary stages of learning at various public schools and Kelvin and still thirsting for knowledge she joined the ranks of the famous '19 Class at the University.

Although not a bookworm, Luella generally becomes quite studious a few weeks before exams, and then -- gets there just the same! Being of a philosophic turn of mind she naturally specialized in Philosophy and English in her Third and Fourth Years, and satisfied everyone as to her ability in these subjects.

Social affairs always found her ready and waiting. Skating, tobogganing and "tripping the light fantastic toe" were her specialties.

Whatever the future may have in store for her -- whether it be leading an unruly flock of youngsters down the golden paths of knowledge, or cajoling "the only one" to follow in the footsteps of mighty Plato -- we feel sure it will meet with every success.



Although John did not come to the University until his Third Year, we have had ample time to know arid respect him. He received his elementary and secondary education and first two years in Arts in St. Boniface College. But he decided he was missing something good, so transferred his affections to the "U," electing a General Course as being the best to equip him for commercial life.

John completed his Third Year and then enlisted in the 76th Battery, expecting to get a chance to go overseas, but the Fates decreed that he remain in Petawawa all summer and return to complete his course in the fall. Being a good athlete and student, he made many close friends, and the wishes of the class go out to him for a brilliant future in any sphere of activity that choice or circumstances may lead him to in Canada or elsewhere.



"Small but smart," may well characterize our young heroine. The year 1909 saw her and hers leave dark Russia and settle in this fair spot. Since then she has made a name for herself at the Norquay and St. John's Tech., whence she emerged with honors to enter in 1915 as Freshette, 'Toba's portals of learning. Here she has proved herself a favorite with all the profs. Hers must be a fine and keen intellect, deliberately to elect to tread the most difficult path. She was one of the few pioneers who undertook the study of Greek as a supplement to Latin, which alone did not suffice to absorb her active spirit. Nor does she confine herself exclusively to studies. She is ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in trouble. Those who have made a friend of Sarah have indeed made a friend worth having.



H. Ralph Maybank was born in the East, but since he came West at a tender age, may be rightly termed a western product.

In 1914 he joined the redoubtable '18 class and entered heartily into University life. Here his ability and charm soon made him prominent in all phases of student life. He wore a constant smile; was a convincing and eloquent speaker and showed rare judgment in all things.

He was elected class president in his Third Year, and in his Fourth was elected president of the U.M.S.A., an office which, however, circumstances forced him to resign, being unable to graduate that year. Debating was his forte, and he many times upheld the honor of his class and college on the rostrum. His friends feel sure that he will make a great success of life in the loftiest sense of the word.



"Thine eyes are springs in whose serene
And silent waters, heaven is seen."

Though she has travelled but a short distance along the road leading to the far city of her desire, Dolly has been able to distil in her heart the precious oil of sympathy from every experience fate has sent her. It is this altar which wins for her a welcome wherever she goes. Idealist by nature, she is able to find "good in everything."

Dolly has taken an active part in University life, social and otherwise. Her love of literature led her to specialize in English and French, while her executive ability has been brought into play on the executive of the Ek-o-le-la Society. As a Sophomore, she made her debut in the art of dramatics, receiving well earned praise for her delineation of the part of "The Girl" in the "Golden Doom."

Regretfully seeing her depart, we bid her God-speed with these words: "If thou but follow thy star, thou can'st not fail of a glorious heaven."



"Then a beam of fun outbroke As the honest heart laughed through."

Florence gave her first yell in Portage la Prairie, one day in the fall of '99. After passing through the pigtail popcorn age in her native town, she became possessed of a desire to seek a wider field, and came to Winnipeg, where she endeavoured to catch a few spatters from that fount of knowledge -- Kelvin.

Flor. entered the University in 1915 -- a rather meek freshie -- and became in time an indomitable Soph, a rather superior junior, and one of those rare miracles, a well known and widely liked Senior.

She has done almost more than her share of work on committees, has been a demon in dramatics, taken an active part in sports, never missed a party, and in her spare time has applied herself to her studies.

Flor. refuses to reveal her ambition in life, but those who know her believe it to be -- "to live happily ever after."



Carman is a member of an old Canadian family, his great grandfather having sat in the first assembly of the Confederation of Canada. Likewise Carman sat in the U.M.S.A. council as Senior Stick for Pharmacy, but his duties were not limited entirely to this office. During this year he was a member of the Y.M.C.A. Executive for Manitoba University, second vice-president of the 'Varsity Curling Club, a member of the Scientific Club, and always managed to be present at all social functions.

Although born in Prince Edward County, Ontario, and having spent his first happy years in the East, he received the major part of his education in Winnipeg, graduating from Kelvin in 1915. While attending Kelvin, Carman decided to enroll in Pharmacy, and consequently started working several nights a week, and he is still working. He is just as enthusiastic as ever about his profession as when he started, and let us all hope that much will be heard from him in later years.



Miss Shewell came to Winnipeg from England several years ago. She studied three years at the University College, London, and is taking her final year and B. Sc. degree in Manitoba. Although her time has perhaps been too much occupied for many of us to know her as well as we would wish, the girls in the Science building, at any rate, know how dear she really is. As demonstrator in the Physics laboratory to the greenest Freshie, or as a fellow Fourth Year student in Chemistry, she is ever ready with aid or advice. She is never so happy as when working at her beloved chemistry -- mixing the loveliest interesting looking and smelling things -- even though she does keep an eye on a door or window to jump through in case the "thing" should go off.

Miss Shewell expects to win the beautiful scarlet gown and D.Sc. degree at the University of London. But wherever she may be, we wish her much happiness and success.



It was in 1915 that "Sweet" entered the University as a Medical Matric student, but after completing the year's study he decided to build his future reputation on a surer foundation, so he turned to the Science course, in which he has proven himself a proficient student.

Arthur has done his full share in students' activities. He has held office in the Science executive every year. He is the worthy treasurer of the Intercollegiate Y.M.C.A., and is widely and favorably known in college circles. His papers before the Students' Scientific Society have been characterized by a wide and full knowledge of the subjects undertaken.

Whether Art. finishes his medical course in his native province or not, we are sure he will eventually "trek West," where his experience as teacher and farmer have given him a grasp of Western conditions, which will be a big asset in his future profession. His many friends wish him all success.



"Never do today what you can do tomorrow"

Hailing from the town of Gladstone, where he received his preliminary education in the public and high schools, "John" made his first appearance on the University campus in September, 1915.

Possessed of a good-natured and placid disposition, "John" has made a host of friends during his college career. Taking a keen interest in debating, he has played a prominent part in this and has been on the championship team more than once.

Residing in Manitoba College for three years and hailing from Gladstone, he naturally turned to curling and reached the climax of his curling career this year, when he was elected president of the 'Varsity Curling Club and skipped the Senior Arts rink to victory in the U.M.S.A. series, winning the Porte & Markle trophy.

During his final year he served as circulation manager of The Manitoban, despite which fact The Manitoban continued to circulate.

His future career in Law will be watched with interest by a wide circle of friends.



"A smile for all, a welcome glad,
A jovial, coaxing way she had."

Dainty Corra is a true girl of the Golden West, having been born in Elkhorn, Man. Her short career has been somewhat checkered. Having taken her High School and Normal work in Saskatoon, she taught for a year, took Specials at Wesley, and finally decided to join the '19 class, where she immediately became popular with both students and professors.

Corra has great executive ability, and with tireless energy has taken an active part at college. In all the various positions she has occupied in the past four years, she has proved her sterling worth and efficiency. In Third and Fourth years, with her usual keen discrimination, she decided to specialize in English and Philosophy.

Although as yet "petite," Corra's future is indefinite. We know that with the conscientiousness which is hers, and her indomitable spirit "to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield," she will be successful in whatever she may undertake. Our good wishes go with her.



Receiving his preliminary education in the Winnipeg Public Schools and in England, "Luke", started his University career as a "Special" in 1914-15.

Despite the handicap of a none too robust health, he has taken part in every phase of college life and student activity. Serving on the social committee and council of the U.M.S.A. and as President of Science in his final year, "Luke" has given generously of his time in many directions.

One of the founders of the Geological Club, he has contributed to its success more than any student in the University, serving not only in an executive capacity but also giving a number of excellent papers during the past three years.

A keen observer and a wide reader in his chosen subject, Geology, he represents an ideal type of well-balanced student, one whom, in after years, his Alma Mater may well have reason to be proud of.



Winnie was born in England, but when very small came to Winnipeg. She has had a brilliant career throughout all her studies. In her first three years at college, Winnie carried off six scholarships. The other colleges had not a chance when we had Winnie in the foreground. What she will take in her Fourth year, and whom she will take some later year, is not known.

With such a record, one might think Winnie confined herself entirely to study, but those who know her best discover a world of mischief and fun that others little suspect. Winnie can feed "worms" to Freshies, compose a speech, play basketball, act on her class executive, give original suggestions which others may make use of and get the credit, and win scholarships with equal ease. Though always very quiet and unassuming, Winnie has done much to promote college life. She is not out for glory, but she is always there when you need her most. Those who made a friend of Winnie have a friend worth while.



Henry was born in San Francisco in 1897. His travels in Europe just previous to his 'teen age made an excellent foundation for his education. Nearly all of his schooling was taken in Winnipeg. For the matriculation work he went to Wesley College and passed with a high standing into the Arts course. Modest and energetic, he progressed evenly from year to year. In addition to the ordinary academic studies, music is a field in which Henry has won distinction, the piano being his instrument. In various branches of students' activities his efforts were of value to the class with which he spent six years at Wesley. His scientific pursuits, together with his ordinary interests, drew him to the University of Manitoba itself. Part of his Arts course was completed during the last summer vacation. This year he is attaining the senior matriculation for Medicine as well as graduating in Arts.

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